The Enerit team
Enerit’s senior management team combines experience and expertise in:
- Energy management in industry and buildings
- Formal management systems such as ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18000 and ISO 50001
- Software and IT systems for these sectors
- Global delivery of software to multinational organizations for almost 20 years.
Team members have been responsible for major energy and environmental management software projects for public sector organizations and multinational corporations throughout Europe and the America’s, Middle East and Asia.
Enerit is the second software company formed by this team.
Senior management team
Dr. Mike Brogan
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Mike, a mechanical engineer, has over 20 years of designing and implementing enterprise-wide software solutions throughout Europe and North America. He is responsible for customer project implementation and general management. He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and is a AEE Certified Energy Manager (CEM) and is a member of the ISO TC 301 committee responsible for developing the ISO 50001 standard .
View Mike Brogan’s profile on LinkedIn
John Cunningham
Founder & Software Development Director
John Cunningham is responsible for software development and IT, R&D and technical support at Enerit. He has 20 years’ experience in software development of energy and management system software for the global multinational sector. In addition to extensive IT training and experience, he has an Engineering degree.
View John Cunningham’s profile on LinkedIn
Dr. Paul Monaghan
Co-Founder (retired)
Paul is a mechanical engineer with over 30 years’ experience in energy software.He has lived and worked in USA, Canada, Ireland and UK. His qualifications include a PhD, CEng FIEI and membership of ASME and ASHRAE. A former tenured Professor of Mechanical Engineering, he has delivered energy research, consulting and software products worldwide.
View Paul Monaghan’s profile on LinkedIn
Read more about our team on LinkedIn. pulls all aspects of the standard into ONE manageable package and greatly simplifies the process., Energy Lead, Global Pharmaceutical Company