ADNOC receives CEM Award of Excellence in Energy Management

Enerit customer Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) is a state-owned oil and gas company that is ranked as the twelfth largest oil producer in the world. Using an ISO 50001 certified energy management system across 18 ADNOC Group companies and 3 independent operators, the company saved $150 million and reduced CO2 emissions by 3.1 million metric tons over 3 years.

“ADNOC adopted Enerit ISO 50001 software as the corporate EnMS Information Management System (EnMS-IMS) for consolidation, analysis, monitoring and reporting energy and EnMS performance data and activities for ADNOC Group companies.”

Click here to see the detailed case study of energy management programme.
CEM ADNOC_UAE EnMS Excellence Award Case Study

ADNOC recently opened its new energy-efficient
headquarters, registered for LEED GOLD
(skyscraper at left)

“Through our world-class ISO 50001 certified EnMS,
we’ll lead by example to promote an energy efficient economy in our country”

—Mr. Abdulla Al Minhali, Manager, Gas Support Unit,
ADNOC-EnMS Management Representative

The software leads to the automation and implementation of the ISO 50001 standard, and goes beyond completing the standard to allow users to save energy on an on-going basis.
Maurice Ahern , Energy Manager, World’s 1st University to get ISO 50001