Thought Leadership
Enerit to Join Forces with The DQS UL Group for an ISO 50001 Webinar
Enerit and the DQS UL Group are delighted to announce collaboration on an educational ISO 50001 webinar entitled ” ISO 50001 is the proven route to continued energy savings – Learn how you can get there quicker! “ The DQS UL Group is one of the world’s leading certification bodies for management systems. Together with… | Read on »
Guesstimation & Sankey Visualization to Kick-off your Energy Management Program
When you walk into a big industrial plant, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the question “where on earth is all the energy going?” When I was a young engineer, I certainly was overwhelmed and I spent a lot of time doing detailed work on unimportant things. With most things in life, the 80/20… | Read on »
ISO 50001 – The Journey 2 years on – the why, what and how of it!
As the number of ISO 50001 certificates continue to increase faster than ISO 14001 you may still be wondering: Why do it? What is it about? How do I get there? Why? Independent Research (US DoE, Deloitte) has PROVEN that a systematic approach to energy management works phenomenally better than the traditional project based approach…… | Read on »
ISO 50001 – Intelligent Energy Performance Improvement
Large organisations in different sectors are implementing a strong systematic Energy Management System (EnMS) based on the new ISO 50001 standard. As well as demonstrating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), this standard makes sense from a business case point of view with the potential for significant energy savings, leading to reduced costs and improved profits. Implementing… | Read on »
Energy data management for the “ISO 50001 mind-set”
ISO 50001 follows the Deming cycle (PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT) to help organizations plan, implement, maintain and improve an Energy Management System (EnMS). For large energy using organisations, energy data is most often managed in an Energy Management Information System (EMIS). In a previous article “EnMS and EMIS: What’s the Difference? ”, in Energy Manager Today, Dr. Paul… | Read on »
ISO 50001: INTEGRATION with ISO 14001
A few years ago, I was gathering requirements for ISO 50001 software, I asked early adopters of EN 16001 the following question: “You already have ISO 14001. Will you have a standalone system for EN 16001?” These companies are all large multinationals in sectors like pharmaceuticals, medical devices, food and electronics. My question was answered… | Read on »
“All My Sites Need to Get ISO 50001. How Do I Make it Economical?”
If you are a multisite organization, there are exceptional long-term cost benefits in adopting ISO 50001 throughout an organization. The question I address in this article is: “How do you minimize resources in getting the standard in the first place and then maintaining it?” By resources, I mean both internal staff resources as well as… | Read on »
EnMS and EMIS. What’s the difference?
Often we ask people, “Do you have an Energy Management System? What we mean by this is a full EnMS, like an ISO 50001 EnMS”. Often, the other person says “Yes” but what they really mean is that they have a monitoring or energy data analysis system or a building energy management system (BMS/BEMS) for… | Read on »
ISO 50001: How Ireland is leading the way in Energy Management
In June 2011, the ISO 50001 standard for energy management systems was released by the International Standards Organization (ISO). The ISO 50001 standard is widely recognized as an excellent systematic management framework for all energy and CSR activities. Ireland is at the forefront internationally in the development of energy management standards and as a… | Read on »
“I can’t find a local ISO 50001 certified company in my industry sector”
The challenge A lot of energy managers say to me, “ISO 50001 is expanding fast but it’s new to me. I have to get ISO 50001 for my company. Where can I go to see an ISO 50001 implementation near to me in my industry sector?” For example, an automotive component manufacturer might want to… | Read on »